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My first Challenge

My first Challenge

My first Challenge
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Our challenge

In recent years, peripheral territories have often been considered as a dormitory, from which people commute daily to city centers. In the worst cases, people have to leave home in order to stay near their place of work. Small coworking spaces offer an alternative: people spend less time driving, thereby also contributing to reducing traffic and pollution, and don’t need to relocate to city centers, thereby improving their work-life balance.

The Team

Inga Stasiulaitiené
Profile photo
Johan Peterson
1 learners
Study format
Application period
18 October – 28 October 2022
Study period
Hosting university
Linköping University
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 



In recent years, peripheral territories have often been considered as a dormitory, from which people commute daily to city centers. In the worst cases, people have to leave home in order to stay near their place of work. Small coworking spaces offer an alternative: people spend less time driving, thereby also contributing to reducing traffic and pollution, and don’t need to relocate to city centers, thereby improving their work-life balance. The demand of workers for a flexible way of work is steadily increasing in this period: we are observing a growth in resignations, due to a bad life-work balance, and a switch to a “remote-first” approach by more and more companies.Developing smart working is also a priority project for some PA, and Provincia Autonoma di Trento has recently approved its own strategic plan.Despite these global tendencies, it is not easy to convince people and companies about the benefits of remote working:many organizations (and workers) aren’t really ready for change in general and this could be seen as a radical transformation;preCOVIDly, coworking spaces were mainly used by (and offered to) freelancers or startup teams, thus they are often perceived as non suitable to “normal office work”.

Our challenge

Develop our description of possible customer segments, identifying key factors useful for “micro-targeting” and to build a better value proposition (e.g. commuting key characteristics as distance and frequency, general interest services localization, pull/push migration factors, etc.). You’ll work in teams in order to:1. identify and define the target segment, key characteristics and problems to be solved;2. identify territorial KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to evaluate the creation of a coworking space;3. ideate strategies to communicate coworking’s value proposition.
#ActivitiesInteractive learning and experiential activities.
During the hackathon, we’ll include outdoor activities related to team building, mental training and personal development. The activities will be held in the Trento surroundings coworking spaces.If you have questions regarding the travel possibilities, or participation as a professional, please contact us:


Since critical thinking and auto-reflection are one of the 21st Century skills and one of the most recommended capacities required by the job market (World Economic Forum, 2020), we will propose a new way ol learning based on a self-directed approach and on the integration between a formative (individual and team tasks during the challenge) and a summative evaluation (final project presentation). Self-directed approach foresees a full use of self-reflection tools. Final projects will be evaluated through different criteria, such as the solution's feasibility and Commercial impact esteem.

Expected impact

Identify targets and key factors useful for “micro-targeting” and build a better value proposition for the customers, considering sustainability in all aspects:- Persons, brains, machines and jobs stay on the territory. We embank local “brain drain”. We prevent the use of cars and consequently we decrease the number of car accidents. People work in the most wonderful places in the world where they can enjoy the breathtaking landscape, and breathe clean and pure air (social sustainability);- Car commuting reduction. We prevent environmental, acoustic, visual, atmospheric pollution. We reduce the Carbon dioxide emission (environmental sustainability)- Less car accidents, more productivity, more happiness while working, etc. have an economical impact. Local communities, companies, environment, people have an Economic gains related to coworking (economical sustainability)These are some examples of sustainable impacts due to coworking spaces use.# Target groupsEmployees in companies located in the Trentino region, professionals in search for flexible solutions, tourists who need an agile location where to follow their activities remotely.

Expectations from students

Understand the territorial context, apply creativity to identify and define the targets, considering the SDG11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable“. Let’s make Alpine Smart Working a sustainable solution for local employees, professionals and tourists. Let’s enhance the beauty of the Trentino region in a sustainable way.

Expectations from the Challenge Provider

Participation, interaction with students, final prize during the hackathon in person.

How to apply

You need to apply on the ECIU platform.Application Deadline: 21st March, 2022


6th April 2022, 19-21 CET Online Challenge Kick-off End of April 2022, Mentorship | ONLINE Each team will be supported by 30 minutes of online mentorship, in preparation for the hackathon. End of April 2022 Organized visits to Trento surroundings smart workplaces might be planned, based on the needs of participants and challenge providers, in order to collect information and data, and better understand the background and the context. Virtual vicits can be organized for those who can't participate in person.6th-7th May 2022 (Arrival to Trento on Thursday 05/05)On site, Challenge Hackathon in coworking space (in a wonderful location in the Trento surroundings)- Friday 06/05, 9-22.30: Start of the Hackathon activities- Saturday 07/05, 9-18: Challenge Activities and Grand Finale Expected Class composition 15 students, open to Lifelong Learners Average workload: 48 hrs Recognition: 2 ECTS, final certification

Hosting university

Linköping University

Linköping University

European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) is the leading international network of research-intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact.

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