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Entrepreneurship, technology and innovation

Entrepreneurship, technology and innovation

Entrepreneurship, technology and innovation

Creating and implementing innovative business ideas using technology


The ability to identify and evaluate new business opportunities, develop and implement innovative strategies to capitalise on these opportunities, leverage technology to create new products

Popular challenges and micro-modules


Image for topic Project management

Project management

The ability to manage projects and programme activities. The knowledge of variables implied in project management such as time, resources, requirements, deadlines, and responding to unexpect

Social innovation

Social innovation

The ability to innovate for social needs. The knowledge of innovative models, products or services which meet a social need and have as a consequence the creation of new collaborations in th

Image for topic Working with technology

Working with technology

The ability, knowledge and skills required to effectively use and leverage various types of technology to accomplish work-related tasks and goals.

Image for topic Entrepreneurial skills

Entrepreneurial skills

The ability to develop entrepreneurial and financial skills and competencies through organising and managing an own business venture, identifying and pursuing opportunities and mobilising re

Latest opportunities

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European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) is the leading international network of research-intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact.

The ECIU University is a EU-funded initiative of the alliance of 13 universities in the ECIU that creates a ground-breaking and innovative educational model on a European scale.

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