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Image for topic Transversal



Popular challenges and micro-modules


Language learning

Language learning

Language learning, together with other transversal skills and competences are not specifically related to a particular discipline or area of knowledge, but are relevant to a broad range of o

Critical and innovative thinking

Critical and innovative thinking

The ability to analyse and evaluate information in a systematic and logical manner, while also generating new and original ideas through creative and divergent thinking. It involves question

Image for topic Inter-personal skills

Inter-personal skills

The ability to communicate effectively, understand and empathise with others, work collaboratively in teams, and navigate conflicts skilfully, contributing to positive and productive relatio

Media and information literacy

Media and information literacy

The ability to access, analyse, evaluate, create and communicate information effectively and responsibly using various forms of media.

Image for topic Intra-personal skills

Intra-personal skills

The ability to understand oneself and engage in self-reflection for continuous self-improvement and personal development. The ability to manage one's behaviour and emotions effectively in th

Global citizenship

Global citizenship

The awareness, understanding, and acceptance of one's role and responsibilities as a member of the global community. The recognition that the world is interconnected and interdependent, and

Latest opportunities

Micro-modules within this topic

European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) is the leading international network of research-intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact.

The ECIU University is a EU-funded initiative of the alliance of 13 universities in the ECIU that creates a ground-breaking and innovative educational model on a European scale.

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