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Opportunities to enhance your education

Gain international experience

Get an opportunity to study at different European universities the way you want. Go on exchange for a semester, meet up for a few days or participate online.

Earn ECIU University micro-credentials

Receive, store, and showcase tamper-proof ECIU University micro-credentials, issued in accordance with European standards and e-sealed by ECIU. Confirm your achievements – and support your career aspirations.

Collaborate with actual companies and organisations

Work together and grow your network of connections in the Private, Public or NPO sector.

Make a real impact

Gain first-hand experience and a possibility to contribute to real societal change.

Graphical illustration of a person with a circle for a head

Start your ECIU experience here!

Not sure which learning opportunity suits your interests and needs? Then take this motivation scan for some guidance before you start your learning journey.

Start motivation scan

Learning opportunities

ECIU offers two different learning options Challenges are courses that engage diverse teams to solve real-life problems using a novel and practical method of challenge-based learning (CBL). Micro-modules support learners and help them fill the knowledge gaps, for example, widen their knowledge on strategic planning or sustainable development.

ECIU core topics

ECIU University picks challenges that the communities and organisations face at this very moment. ECIU divided SDG into 4 main topics: Circular economy, Energy and sustainability, Resilient communities, and Transport and mobility.

In addition to the SDG topics, we also focus on Entrepreneurship, technology and innovation as well as Transversal competencies and Language learning.

How it works
Join 13 universities, more than 800 students and over 70 companies and organisations in their pursuit of changing the world.

ECIU University members

Linköping University
Aalborg University
Dublin City University
Hamburg University of Technology
INSA Group
Lodz University of Technology
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
University of Aveiro
Tampere University
Kaunas University of Technology
Karl University
University of Joakim
University of Stavanger
University of Twente
University of Trento

European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) is the leading international network of research-intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact.

The ECIU University is a EU-funded initiative of the alliance of 13 universities in the ECIU that creates a ground-breaking and innovative educational model on a European scale.

The flag of the European Union and that that says 'Co-funded by the European Union'

The European Commission's support for the production of the ECIU University content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the view only of the authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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